Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Home, New Beginning

Here's a shout out to Aunt Duque. We love for you to come over and play (even though there is latex in the carpet and you leave with itchy legs from crawling around and playing with us!) Holla. ;)
It's so nice to live in a home that fits our family's size. Our new home is 2000 sq ft & our old place was just at 1100...that's nearly double the space! (yeah...I'm good at math) I can't wait until we finish the attic and make it a playroom for the twins...maybe in a year or two.
Yesterday I took a well deserved break from unpacking and met some old friends from high school at a park with all of our children. It was so nice catching up.
I can't remember if I posted it already on here, but the twins are officially weaned! I made it almost to 11 months. I assumed that I would have no problem nursing twins, I nursed Zander for a year and Gavin for 15 months, but boy was I wrong. Towards the end it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. I DREADED feeding time. My psoriasis gets worse in times of stress and buying a new house, packing, being a mommy to 4 kids, and the anticipation of the pain of nursing...oh...the thought of it stresses me out. But it's all over know...the babies are taking formula...kinda funny, in a month I'll be weaning them from that to cows milk! They say everything happens for a reason. I think it was hard for me to nurse the twins because I was somewhat of a nursing nazi. I just couldn't understand why any mother who stayed at home wouldn't nurse their baby. Yeah, it hurts at first, but get over it and feed your baby I thought...just ask my sister Rebekkah. I'm sure I got on her nerves because she chose not to nurse. But now it's a different story. I had SO MUCH GUILT because I wanted to stop nursing at 9 months that I nursed for 2 more months in PAIN!! That's just ridiculous. I'm a much better mother when I'm happy and babies aren't sucking the life out of if I could get this engorgement under control.


Brenda Collins said...

Hey there, glad you are in your new place and i hope things continue to decrease in stress! glad the girls ahve adjusted to bottles well. my little girl weaned herself at 8 months. she just refused to breastfeed any more. so i didn't really have much say.

Darla said...

I'm glad you are all settled in your bigger home! I wish we could get a bigger house! I am glad weaning went well for you all too - it is important for you to be happy!

Martha said...

So glad you got into your new home. Your girls are getting so big, we need to get together again soon.

Mariel said...

I've not made it to a year nursing! 10 months was my longest, then it seems to get shortened by a month with each kid. Some people are in love with it and others do it because it's good for the babes. I am not one of those people in love with it. I'm totally engorged at first, then I have not enough milk. It's never just right! Aghh! Oh well, so far my un-nursed-for-a-year kids have turned out to be spectacular, smart, healthy kids.

Congrats on your new home. You will love all the extra space!