Sunday, May 9, 2010

Graduation & Mother's Day

What a busy weekend!

Saturday my sister graduated from OSU...I am soOoOoOo PROUD!  She has worked so hard putting herself through school and now has a degree in interior design.  Smart and beautiful. 

3 sisters

And single, I might add...yeah this just turned into match dot com.  I've set her up before and it was disastrous.  Now she thinks I have no clue...but I am determined...if you know a single guy that can handle this sass...
send me his resume.  Now that she's out of school she may have time to date.  She's gonna kill me. 

Happy Mother's Day!!

It was kind of a weird Mother's Day.  The boys spent the night at their PaPa'a last night and Ely went to the Temple this morning.  So it was just me and my two favorite girls.  They decided to take me out to breakfast.  We went to Coffee House on Cherry Street and had pancakes and fruit.  And I had my current obsession a dirty chai latte...mmmmm...

It was really nice.  We had our breakfast then read books on one of the couches for about an hour. 

Later on we met up with the rest of the family for Jacque's graduation party.  What a fun....and looong...weekend. 


Mariel said...

That's a sweet picture, very cute! Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Brenda Collins said...

Congrats to your sister. When we were little I so wanted one of your sisters to end up with one of my brothers. Brian is not married but has a girlfriend. Brandon isn't dating at all...but lives here in Japan.

Please tell her I hope things go well for her!!

Jacque said...
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Jacque said...

Dana :p