Sunday, May 2, 2010

just another day...

Usually I only post if the kids say something funny or we did something fun or I captured a sweet smile on film.  Today none of that happened....but it was perfect.  A lazy Sunday spent at home.  Played a lot outside digging in the dirt and collecting roly pollies for the biggest roly poly race ever.  (Maya not so much into bugs)  We grilled out and just listened to Zander talk for hours about George Washington.  Man, that boy can talk!


While the twins napped Ely started building a fence around our garden so the kids, dog, and rabbits will stay out.  I decided to go to Target...alone.  Unless you usually do your shopping with multiple kids in tow you just don't understand what a HUGE deal this was.  I wandered around the store for hours looking at whatever I wanted without rushing in fear of a meltdown for refusing to buy Dora fruit snacks.  There was no bribing.  There was no scolding.  Just me and my list.  The downside to shopping without kids?  Spending to much time at the store made my bill a little higher than normal...oops!

After dinner and baths I rocked and sang to my babies.  This, too, is a rare treat because my almost 2 year old twins are usually to busy for sitting still. 

Did you take time and truly enjoy the blessings in your life today? 


1 comment:

Darla said...

The store - alone! That is the best! I actually got to do that yesterday for a bit too! Today we ran our race, played outside, Jeff and I looked at some houses while the boys napped and then we just played until Nana picked up some dinner. It was a great day for us as well! :)